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[#48276] Written by: dlkbc [28/07/2007, 15:46]
i really want to like this because i love holly hunter, kenny johnson and
laura san giacomo...but...i had a tough time sticking out the whole episode
without getting bored or antsy.

i hate that they need to make her character so cliche--tough woman cop with a
chip on her shoulder and the blasting of weird music.

i did like the actor who plays her nephew.

i think i'll give it one more go but don't have too high expectations for it's
[#48286] Written by: eumel [28/07/2007, 18:16]
despite all the other comments, i quite liked this episode!
i'm not into these "religious" type of shows, but this seems ok!
one thing was weird though, when they played rammstein, i was really confused,
hearing german in an american show!
but then again, rammstein are quite popular in states, aren't they?

hope, this show lasts a bit!

eumel from germany

oh, and thx for the upload!

ps: and i do think, something/one greater is out there, some may call it god or
whatever! but the whole church business really pi**** me off, all the things
they pray and act completly different! and the "new" pope still talks against
using condoms, homosexuells and so on! even though he's german, i don't like him!
[#48328] Written by: rudi762 [29/07/2007, 02:36]
there's a dsr hdtv 700mb version out there,good picture and sound.big brother
are stepping up brainwashing,all non believers must be perched.good thing is
we have cable ( for now ).
[#48355] Written by: JeffTheDrunk [29/07/2007, 07:38]
basically a druken whore runs over a guy and instead of accepting
responsibilty and turning herself in to the police she goes on a delusional
rampage, pretending she's talking to an "angel" when in fact she is pychotic
and is out of control. yea dangerious psychotic religious propaganda!

next they tell the story of a guy that talks to a "jesus gun" and it tells him
to send a school full of children to their lord because baby jesus wants to
play with them.

religious fanatics need to be stopped and this kind of irresponsible
brainwashing propaganda need to be outlawed.
[#48362] Written by: Arcanya [29/07/2007, 10:17]
like you need to be a believer to enjoy a show. i don't believe in people with
superpowers either, but i enjoy shows like 4400 and heroes
[#48365] Written by: branch [29/07/2007, 10:43]
Quote by arcanya
like you need to be a believer to enjoy a show. i don't
in people with superpowers either, but i enjoy shows like 4400 and heroes

that's what i kept thinking while reading all the comments.
somebody asked if the show was any good, and the reply was does god exist?
it's a matter of opinion. what the...?

who cares about that.

the show is not bad. but until i watch more episodes and see how it goes i
won't know if i'm going to like it or not.

the thing is that only 1 episode has aired, so what's the point of asking if
it's good or not? there's going to be different opinions. and pilots are never
reliable to know if a series is good.
what people should do is watch it, and then decide if you're going to want to
watch the second ep.

and forget about all the god stuff. the show is not about that. people are
getting off point.

for me watching a show with religious stuff in it is the same as watching a
show with paranormal or sci-fi elements. it's all unknown, and probably
invented, so just enjoy the show and don't overanalyze.
[#48370] Written by: caramel30 [29/07/2007, 12:29]
hm... don't know what to think of it yet.
i think i'll give it a try and watch couple of more episodes. from my own
experience i know that one episode, especially the first one, doesn't prove
[#48394] Written by: JeffTheDrunk [29/07/2007, 16:15]
back to the question at hand. "does god exist?"

i don't know, but if it does exist then it isn't a very nice person. here's

do you believe that lawmakers should follow their own laws? for instance
should congress-people be allowed to embezzle, steal, cheat in elections, kill
their opponents, etc.? or would you think that as someone that is a leader
and is someone we look up to they should be even more careful about what they
do because they are role models?

i think part of being a leader is being a role model. you can't ask your
people to act a certain way, even require it by law, and then you act in
direct contradiction to that requirement. lead by example or get out of the
way i say.

let's go off on a tangent for a moment, i'll bring it all together in the end:

if you knew that your next door neighbor was brutally raping their 10 year old
child, you knew it and had proof, would you call the cops? i hope so, i know
would. i wouldn't even hesitate.

what if you knew someone that knew their neighbor was brutally raping their 10
year old child and they didn't call the cops. there would be no repercussions
to that person, guaranteed, and yet they did nothing about it.

what would you think of them? would you want to be their friend? would you
go bowling with them and ask, "hey buddy, how's that child rapist next door
doing? i hear he ripped the kid open last night and killed them. so, what's
your score up to now?"

or would you be disgusted by them and avoid them and try to do everything in
your power to turn the rapist guy in? even turn the eye witness in for being
an accessory after and before the fact. at the very least you certainly
wouldn't be their friend. would you? i hope not. i wouldn't.

now what if you knew someone that not only knew about a child rapist and did
nothing but actually watched the rapes and subsequent murders and did nothing;
repeatedly, everyday, live. wow, that sounds pretty sick to me. maybe their
getting off on it and that's why they do nothing. i don't know about you but
that sounds like a pretty sick fuck to me.

now lets tie it all together:

if "god" exists then it watches little children being brutally raped and
murdered everyday and does nothing about it. if "god" exists then it doesn't
follow its own rules and in fact should be put in jail for accessory to child
rape and murder.

it's a fact.

now if you argue that "god" has a bigger plan then what kind of idiot's plan
includes the rape and murder of little children? i'd be on the phones to the
cops two seconds after someone said to me, "i'm going to make a utopia! but
we might have to have a few kids raped and murdered. we won't actually be the
ones that do the raping and murdering but we'll watch it as it happens and we
won't do anything about it until much, much later when the child is already
dead and you know, raped." does that sound like a very good plan to you?
would you be okay with that?

i hope not, 'cause i'm not.

but if you want to follow that kind of monster then you go right ahead, just
don't try to convince me "god" is a great guy and is the answer to all the
worlds problems. "god" sounds like a porno child snuff film watcher to me if
[#48486] Written by: epionx111 [30/07/2007, 03:37]
hmmm... and i thought this show was supposed to be a big deal...

i didn't see anything in this episode that would've hooked me...
[#49076] Written by: Stargolder [01/08/2007, 19:41]
i think it is good episode but i get angry about the sound! one tone all the
time.. please edit and take it away please if some can do it.
[#50821] Written by: JeanLucPicard [13/08/2007, 16:54]
haha ... doing my favourite strike team member (lemonhead) in the morning,
drinking booze for breakfast, not knowing where her gun and badge are and
driving a porsche 911?

that's way too much for me ... i'm in :d
[#55641] Written by: kate [14/09/2007, 04:14]
yeah, this show sucks bad. it's amazing how they got so many good actors to sign
up for this saved by the angel crap. watching good talent go to waste makes me

jeffthedrunk: you said it man. i can't ever figure out how people who believe in
god ever get past this whole all-loving all-powerful question...a ten year old
sees the absurdity of this claim. there's no way around this. an all-loving
all-powerful god obviously can't exist.

oh and to the person who compared this show to heroes or the 4400:

the difference is those shows don't promote a religion.

someone watching them will judge them on the merits of the writing, directing
and acting. this show is reinforcing christian dogma. oh and the writing and
directing really suck.

but i can't think of a tv show or movie that could stick to a religious theme
and end up being good. plot holes are inherit in the original material. the
thing that amazes me is that more people will notice it in something fictional
like this show, and not when they are given it as 'the truth.'
[#165078] Written by: pepeto32 [18/08/2011, 21:53]
its amazing how sometimes we engage some trivial arguments in an effort to disprove a fundamental
fact. you have taken on the task of questioning the existence of god by using your own observation and
knowledge, which is not objective. the principle of science, which must be utilized in any investigation,
demands that all the evidences and factors affecting the case or affected by the case must be
considered and reviewed before a conclusion is drawn. you have gone ahead to draw conclusions in
matters that, according to your argument, escapes your understanding. you not being able to answer
the question or not getting an answer that suits you does not in anyway support or prove your

to use your line of reasoning - if the leader or president of a people gives certain guidelines or rules
for his people to follow in order to have a peaceful life, should he be held responsible when those people
don't follow those guidelines and rules and are facing the consequences of such action? these ills of our
society exist because the principles that are meant to govern our lives are consistently being

to say that a person knows of a crime and does nothing about it, means you know for certain that the
person has done nothing. so can you say without a doubt that god has done nothing about the ills of our
society? an affirmative answer would mean that you know of god's actions and dealings, you are aware
of his every move. so how can you then say you doubt his existence? your very argument proves that
you believe god exist and that you are angry at him.

if you believe that something does not exist, why would you want to go about proving it does not exist?
before you conclude check all the evidences. the question you raise is a good one and the answer is
there for you to see if you look for it.
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